"Dont fuck with them Red bitches. They'll have you suicidal."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I've come to the conclusion light skinned women can do NO wrong. At least by me. In my 22 years of living, I've dated [yes, I counted], 217 women. Some were day by day, some had a few months.. But MAJORITY of them were light skinned. Why? Because they can do no wrong. Like you can put a light skinned woman in a turban and gloves.. and even though you cant see her face... you KNOW she has to be half decent. Wild shit right? Its a fact. Name an ugly light skinned celebrity you've seen?

Like fuck..Look at Danger from that Ray J joint. Tattoo on her face... Smexy. Not sexy, but Smexy. I wouldnt hit it raw, I'd put a rubber on it, then a paper bag... but I'd still hit it. BUT...Imagine Fantasia with the same face tattoo. That shit dont sound as sexy, now do it? Precisely.

Now, I love me a brown skinned girl.. Dont get me wrong. I'd wife Gabrielle Union in a heartbeat.. But some shit about light skinned women turns me on:

  • How they turn red when you smack them on the ass.

  • The fact they can wear red lipstick [pet peeve] and get a pass.

  • Black toenail polish on light skinned joints looks somewhat normal. [wild as shit.. but its a fact. I aint met a dark skinned female with black nail polish I liked. Whoppi tried it.. she did, but nah nah. *Ugh... Flashbacks of when her and that white dude from Cheers kissed]

  • Even when they are not UGLY.. they make up for it somehow.

Now.. ALL women do this, dont get my wrong. I'm NOT Yung Berg's choreographer, or his admin assistant. I have a preference. I love all women though.. [got THAT shit out of the way to be political].. But moving right along...

I've heard Brown Skinned/darker joints call light skinned women "Red Bitches"...FUNNIEST shit ever.


  • ChiChi

    What about the infamous ugly light-skinndededed woman example Rain Pryor? She ain't no celebrity, but IJS.

  • khaki la'docker

    Im lightskinned and even I have to disagree... that damned Tiny looks like a fucking badger in the face--- and she built wrong as hell.

  • this is ignorant but i'm not suprised

  • SweetestThing

    LMAO I agree with Khaki I was about to say the SAME thing...That damn Tiny gives all light brights a bad name...

  • yea co-sign w/Khaki too...i'm light skin n not EVERY light skin person is attractive...UNattractive lightskinned folks just be getting by...

  • Very very ignorant.... but still smilin for sum reason

  • PrincessLola

    Boy you retarded.lmao I cant wear no damn red lipstick...I'd look like a harlot! Anyway, Tiny is beat and I'll come back w more but she was the first to come to mind

  • Caramel Cocaine

    lmfaoo, this blog just made me want to follow you.

    someone needs to find tiny, her parents and t.i. and just smack themm. ugh!

    but this was funny and enjoyable cause im a light bright myself.