The Advantages of Having a Blackberry

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Found out Lady Gaga has a Blackberyy. This hightens the fact that I love this women.

Now granted, everybody worth knowing has a Blackberry. Stamp that. I officially have been a blackberry head for a year now. Before that I functioned with a Sidekick LX and a Verizon V Phone. HOW I managed having two phones is BEYOND ME. But I love this little thing. Shit actually keeps me more organized than I'm supposed to. Since Facebook released 1.5 and allows all your messages and notifications to go to your Mail folder.. I've been in LOVE. Peep my screen though...
Joint jive fly. I've had NUMEROUS themes on this theme, but I always end up going right back to the default Zen With a hidden today dock because it look a whole lot more savvy. I used to think corporate heads were the only folks with Berries. I was proved wrong. Anyway, I figured I'd make this note short, and just give you a couple of the Applications that I use that I think you need to put into your Blackberry life.
If you want a LIST of Applications Click HERE :


  • Ed-Nice

    Yessir! BB heads are the shit! I to am a BB User! HOLLA