I Feel Like you Should Put Your Pussy On My Face

Monday, April 27, 2009

I feel as if you need to be listening to this song as you read this blog

birthday sex (demo) - jeremih

Song jie like snuck up on me like shit, however it pretty much describes how my summer will be. Now, I'm not supposed to talk about sex for a week, but I feel as if this one blog will suffice for the rest of the week, so I will go ahead and speak on it. The last time I had sex, was good sex. So when I heard this song, I pretty much imagined how I'm going to spend 90 days of the summer giving her impeccible dick. Now all summer I've been reading sex guides, and stragegies for things I should be doing to my sex partner. So she need be prepared. She being whomeever. [Interim..]

I measured my tongue over the weekend, 2.7 inches. Decent right?

Theres a good three women I've said I want to have sex with, one knows, the other two.. I want at the same time. Wild as shit, but I figure fuck it. This summer I'm determined to do the following:

  • Have sex hanging off a balcony in broad daylight

  • Have sex in front of a peer audience. Yeah, I've done it before, but I was like strategized yet discreet sex. Like those little booths in "Hostel" or whatever, but yeah..

  • Have sex in the HOV lane.

  • Have sex in one of those "Model" houses and shit. Ditch the tour guide and go into one of the vacant rooms and get real uncivilized. Then walk out like nothing happened.

  • Have sex/oral pleasures in Transformers 2. Reason why: None, just sound good.

So a female asked me today via Twitter: "What makes me think my sex is so great".

Never said that. However, I do what I need to do when I need to do it. I am open to suggestions, I take hints, and do surveys. Aint no purpose in fucking someone knowing you can't please them. This is where text messages come into play.

Me: So how you want it done?

Her: However you going to give it to me.

Me: Thats great. So if I just decide I'll give you five deep strokes, pull
out and roll over you'd be mad. Specifics.

Her: Nah, I want it from the back, from the side, I want it ate, thats

Me: I guess I'll be the dominant one.

I ask simple questions, but it seems women get timid when you ask a flat out question. Now.. Granted if I said 'let me eat your pussy, arch over, let me get it that way".. I'd get a stare like "oh, forreal". Yeah, I'm serious. So when I get questioned like "what makes you so sure in bed".. Its the fact that I'm willing to either be the leader, or the follower. Some people just opt for one roll and stick to it. Sometimes I want to wake up to you straddling me. Great, make my AM better. Shit.. I wish I had that shit happening to ME sunday morning. [Yawn*...you know what it is] But the powers that be say.. yeah...

Also.. Moving right along. I have a lesbian friend Arekah, and she put it to me like this: "Its summertime, I'm tryna see some bitches summa time 2nite"

Shit, the WWF aint the ONLY ones that like to tag team. Dig? Dug.
